Carina Björck Artist

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Aqua                                              The Bay                                         Eden


The Field                                        Venus                                            Magic

Wild Strawberry

The Rainbow Collection

Oil paintings 50 x 50




The Wolf Island                                                              Kattegatt

oil painting 89 x 116 cm                                                                               oil painting 82 x 100 cm



 The Crane Lake                                                              The Jetty

 oil painting 89 x 116 cm                                                                               oil painting 89 x 116 cm


The Deck                                                                          The Boat House

oil painting 89 x 116 cm                                                                                 oil painting 89 x 116 cm


The Board Walk

oil painting 40 x 50 cm





The Red Sea                      The Slope


New York                 Shanghai                 Torö                          My Way                                             


The Jump                               Firenze                                      Fishing

inc on paper 20 x 30 cm        



Top of the Hill                          The Ski Bum                            Who Valley

oil paintings 89 x 116 cm




Madonna in the bath                Madonna entering the bath

89 x 116 cm                             89 x 116 cm


Love at Bamboo Island     The Captiva House

89 x 116 cm                       89 x 116 cm

oil paintings                                                      



Blue Velvet                            Stromboli                                Casablanca

89 x 116 cm oil paintings


The Sleeping Beauty

39 x 46 cm x 5 oil paintings


65 x 81 cm                                65 x 81 cm                                39 x 46 cm

39 x 46 cm

oil paintings






 Saigon oil paintings  82 x 100 cm        

Saigon the book



105 x 105 cm                           89 x 116 cm                                     89 x 116 cm

Baby Doll Oil paintings                                             



Orion                                      The Birches                            Kho Lak

120 x 120 cm                        110 x 120 cm                            110 x 120 cm                                 


Monopoly                                The Beach

110 x 120 cm                         110 x 120 cm                                 


120 x 240 cm

Oil paintings

(C) Carina Björck